

ID 840
Character 和泉一織 (Iori Izumi)
Card OFF/旅OFF/旅 Series
Rarity SSR
Attribute Melody
Obtaining Limited Audition
Card Feature Puchinana
Shout 1,600 / 4,135
Beat 1,540 / 3,690
Melody 2,520 / 6,625(Before Training 4,825)
Special Training 9 / +1,800
Appeal Skill 静寂と光に包まれるOFF/旅
Skill Name 【Lv1】There is a 70% chancethat 2 MISSes will be changed into PERFECTs during the live
【Lv2】There is a 70% chancethat 3 MISSes will be changed into PERFECTs during the live
【Lv3】There is a 80% chancethat 3 MISSes will be changed into PERFECTs during the live
【Lv4】There is a 80% chancethat 4 MISSes will be changed into PERFECTs during the live(estimated value)
Publish Date 2018/6/14


ID 840
Character 和泉一織 (Iori Izumi)
Card OFF/旅OFF/旅 Series
Rarity SSR
Attribute Melody
Obtaining Limited Audition
Card Feature Puchinana
Shout 1,600 / 4,135
Beat 1,540 / 3,690
Melody 2,520 / 6,625(Before Training 4,825)
Special Training 9 / +1,800
Appeal Skill 静寂と光に包まれるOFF/旅
Skill Name 【Lv1】There is a 70% chancethat 2 MISSes will be changed into PERFECTs during the live
【Lv2】There is a 70% chancethat 3 MISSes will be changed into PERFECTs during the live
【Lv3】There is a 80% chancethat 3 MISSes will be changed into PERFECTs during the live
【Lv4】There is a 80% chancethat 4 MISSes will be changed into PERFECTs during the live(estimated value)
Publish Date 2018/6/14
最終更新:2023-02-19 14:42:46
[3] 2023-02-19 14:42:46 スキルトリガー、実装月、実装日
[2] 2022-02-18 13:46:10 スキル(Lv4)、特訓回数、特訓上昇値、スキル推測値チェック(Lv4)、付属
[1] 2021-05-25 20:16:51 入手方法、シャウト最小値、ビート最小値、メロディ最小値、スキル名、スキル(Lv3)


ID 841
Character 二階堂大和 (Yamato Nikaido)
Card OFF/旅OFF/旅 Series
Rarity SSR
Attribute Shout
Obtaining Limited Audition
Card Feature Puchinana
Shout 2,380 / 6,730(Before Training 4,930)
Beat 1,690 / 4,125
Melody 1,580 / 3,620
Special Training 9 / +1,800
Appeal Skill 潮風に耳を澄ませるOFF/旅
Skill Name 【Lv1】For every 21 seconds, there is a 33% chance ofincreasing the score by 560
【Lv2】For every 20 seconds, there is a 35% chance ofincreasing the score by 1120
【Lv3】For every 19 seconds, there is a 37% chance ofincreasing the score by 2240
【Lv4】For every 18 seconds, there is a 39% chance ofincreasing the score by 4480(estimated value)
Publish Date 2018/6/14


ID 841
Character 二階堂大和 (Yamato Nikaido)
Card OFF/旅OFF/旅 Series
Rarity SSR
Attribute Shout
Obtaining Limited Audition
Card Feature Puchinana
Shout 2,380 / 6,730(Before Training 4,930)
Beat 1,690 / 4,125
Melody 1,580 / 3,620
Special Training 9 / +1,800
Appeal Skill 潮風に耳を澄ませるOFF/旅
Skill Name 【Lv1】For every 21 seconds, there is a 33% chance ofincreasing the score by 560
【Lv2】For every 20 seconds, there is a 35% chance ofincreasing the score by 1120
【Lv3】For every 19 seconds, there is a 37% chance ofincreasing the score by 2240
【Lv4】For every 18 seconds, there is a 39% chance ofincreasing the score by 4480(estimated value)
Publish Date 2018/6/14
最終更新:2024-07-03 09:30:07
[4] 2024-07-03 09:30:07 スキル推測値チェック(Lv3)
[3] 2023-02-19 14:43:03 実装月、実装日
[2] 2022-02-18 13:47:29 シャウト最小値、ビート最小値、メロディ最小値、スキル名、特訓回数、特訓上昇値、付属
[1] 2021-05-25 15:31:12 入手方法、スキル推測値チェック(Lv3)、スキル推測値チェック(Lv4)


ID 842
Character 和泉三月 (Mitsuki Izumi)
Card OFF/旅OFF/旅 Series
Rarity SSR
Attribute Beat
Obtaining Limited Audition
Card Feature Puchinana
Shout 1,580 / 3,545
Beat 2,310 / 6,710(Before Training 4,910)
Melody 1,760 / 4,200
Special Training 9 / +1,800
Appeal Skill 夕焼けと戯れるOFF/旅
Skill Name 【Lv1】For every 22 PERFECTs, there is a 41% chancethat BADs or higher will be changed into PERFECTs for 3 seconds
【Lv2】For every 22 PERFECTs, there is a 41% chancethat BADs or higher will be changed into PERFECTs for 4 seconds
【Lv3】For every 22 PERFECTs, there is a 43% chancethat BADs or higher will be changed into PERFECTs for 4 seconds(estimated value)
【Lv4】For every 21 PERFECTs, there is a 44% chancethat BADs or higher will be changed into PERFECTs for 4 seconds(estimated value)
Publish Date 2018/6/14


ID 842
Character 和泉三月 (Mitsuki Izumi)
Card OFF/旅OFF/旅 Series
Rarity SSR
Attribute Beat
Obtaining Limited Audition
Card Feature Puchinana
Shout 1,580 / 3,545
Beat 2,310 / 6,710(Before Training 4,910)
Melody 1,760 / 4,200
Special Training 9 / +1,800
Appeal Skill 夕焼けと戯れるOFF/旅
Skill Name 【Lv1】For every 22 PERFECTs, there is a 41% chancethat BADs or higher will be changed into PERFECTs for 3 seconds
【Lv2】For every 22 PERFECTs, there is a 41% chancethat BADs or higher will be changed into PERFECTs for 4 seconds
【Lv3】For every 22 PERFECTs, there is a 43% chancethat BADs or higher will be changed into PERFECTs for 4 seconds(estimated value)
【Lv4】For every 21 PERFECTs, there is a 44% chancethat BADs or higher will be changed into PERFECTs for 4 seconds(estimated value)
Publish Date 2018/6/14
最終更新:2023-02-19 14:43:08
[4] 2023-02-19 14:43:08 実装月、実装日
[3] 2022-02-18 13:47:55 シャウト最小値、ビート最小値、メロディ最小値
[2] 2021-10-01 12:50:24 スキル(Lv3)、スキル(Lv4)、特訓回数、特訓上昇値、スキル推測値チェック(Lv3)、スキル推測値チェック(Lv4)、付属
[1] 2021-05-21 14:04:17 入手方法、スキル名


ID 843
Character 四葉環 (Tamaki Yotsuba)
Card OFF/旅OFF/旅 Series
Rarity SSR
Attribute Shout
Obtaining Limited Audition
Card Feature Puchinana
Shout 1,710 / 6,700(Before Training 4,900)
Beat 1,400 / 4,120
Melody 1,526 / 3,630
Special Training 9 / +1,800
Appeal Skill 甘味と笑顔こぼれるOFF/旅
Skill Name 【Lv1】For every 20 seconds, there is a 36% chance ofincreasing the score by 680
【Lv2】For every 19 seconds, there is a 38% chance ofincreasing the score by 1224
【Lv3】For every 18 seconds, there is a 40% chance ofincreasing the score by 2203(estimated value)
【Lv4】For every 17 seconds, there is a 42% chance ofincreasing the score by 3965(estimated value)
Publish Date 2018/6/14


ID 843
Character 四葉環 (Tamaki Yotsuba)
Card OFF/旅OFF/旅 Series
Rarity SSR
Attribute Shout
Obtaining Limited Audition
Card Feature Puchinana
Shout 1,710 / 6,700(Before Training 4,900)
Beat 1,400 / 4,120
Melody 1,526 / 3,630
Special Training 9 / +1,800
Appeal Skill 甘味と笑顔こぼれるOFF/旅
Skill Name 【Lv1】For every 20 seconds, there is a 36% chance ofincreasing the score by 680
【Lv2】For every 19 seconds, there is a 38% chance ofincreasing the score by 1224
【Lv3】For every 18 seconds, there is a 40% chance ofincreasing the score by 2203(estimated value)
【Lv4】For every 17 seconds, there is a 42% chance ofincreasing the score by 3965(estimated value)
Publish Date 2018/6/14
最終更新:2023-02-19 14:43:14
[4] 2023-02-19 14:43:14 実装月、実装日
[3] 2022-02-18 13:48:46 シャウト最小値、ビート最小値、メロディ最小値、スキル名、特訓回数、特訓上昇値、付属
[2] 2021-07-02 14:45:22 スキル(Lv3)、スキル(Lv4)、スキル推測値チェック(Lv3)、スキル推測値チェック(Lv4)
[1] 2021-05-25 15:30:31 入手方法、スキル(Lv3)、スキル(Lv4)


ID 844
Character 逢坂壮五 (Sogo Osaka)
Card OFF/旅OFF/旅 Series
Rarity SSR
Attribute Beat
Obtaining Limited Audition
Card Feature Puchinana
Shout 1,580 / 3,813
Beat 2,370 / 6,700(Before Training 4,900)
Melody 1,815 / 4,230
Special Training 9 / +1,800
Appeal Skill 食と文化に触れるOFF/旅
Skill Name 【Lv1】For every 23 PERFECTs, there is a 36% chance of decreasing the tapping area and increasing the score by 1.2 for 3 seconds
【Lv2】For every 22 PERFECTs, there is a 36% chance of decreasing the tapping area and increasing the score by 1.3 for 4 seconds
【Lv3】For every 22 PERFECTs, there is a 37% chance of decreasing the tapping area and increasing the score by 1.4 for 4 seconds
【Lv4】For every 21 PERFECTs, there is a 38% chance of decreasing the tapping area and increasing the score by 1.5 for 4 seconds
Publish Date 2018/6/14


ID 844
Character 逢坂壮五 (Sogo Osaka)
Card OFF/旅OFF/旅 Series
Rarity SSR
Attribute Beat
Obtaining Limited Audition
Card Feature Puchinana
Shout 1,580 / 3,813
Beat 2,370 / 6,700(Before Training 4,900)
Melody 1,815 / 4,230
Special Training 9 / +1,800
Appeal Skill 食と文化に触れるOFF/旅
Skill Name 【Lv1】For every 23 PERFECTs, there is a 36% chance of decreasing the tapping area and increasing the score by 1.2 for 3 seconds
【Lv2】For every 22 PERFECTs, there is a 36% chance of decreasing the tapping area and increasing the score by 1.3 for 4 seconds
【Lv3】For every 22 PERFECTs, there is a 37% chance of decreasing the tapping area and increasing the score by 1.4 for 4 seconds
【Lv4】For every 21 PERFECTs, there is a 38% chance of decreasing the tapping area and increasing the score by 1.5 for 4 seconds
Publish Date 2018/6/14
最終更新:2023-02-19 14:43:19
[2] 2023-02-19 14:43:19 実装月、実装日
[1] 2022-02-18 13:49:06 入手方法、シャウト最小値、ビート最小値、メロディ最小値、スキル名、特訓回数、特訓上昇値、付属


ID 845
Character 六弥ナギ (Nagi Rokuya)
Card OFF/旅OFF/旅 Series
Rarity SSR
Attribute Melody
Obtaining Limited Audition
Card Feature Puchinana
Shout 1,680 / 4,340
Beat 1,530 / 3,705
Melody 2,451 / 6,670(Before Training 4,870)
Special Training 9 / +1,800
Appeal Skill 歴史の風を感じるOFF/旅
Skill Name 【Lv1】For every 21 seconds, there is a 37% chance ofincreasing the score by 700
【Lv2】For every 20 seconds, there is a 39% chance ofincreasing the score by 1260
【Lv3】For every 19 seconds, there is a 41% chance ofincreasing the score by 2268
【Lv4】For every 18 seconds, there is a 43% chance ofincreasing the score by 4082(estimated value)
Publish Date 2018/6/14


ID 845
Character 六弥ナギ (Nagi Rokuya)
Card OFF/旅OFF/旅 Series
Rarity SSR
Attribute Melody
Obtaining Limited Audition
Card Feature Puchinana
Shout 1,680 / 4,340
Beat 1,530 / 3,705
Melody 2,451 / 6,670(Before Training 4,870)
Special Training 9 / +1,800
Appeal Skill 歴史の風を感じるOFF/旅
Skill Name 【Lv1】For every 21 seconds, there is a 37% chance ofincreasing the score by 700
【Lv2】For every 20 seconds, there is a 39% chance ofincreasing the score by 1260
【Lv3】For every 19 seconds, there is a 41% chance ofincreasing the score by 2268
【Lv4】For every 18 seconds, there is a 43% chance ofincreasing the score by 4082(estimated value)
Publish Date 2018/6/14
最終更新:2023-02-19 14:43:25
[3] 2023-02-19 14:43:25 実装月、実装日
[2] 2022-02-18 13:49:32 シャウト最小値、ビート最小値、メロディ最小値、スキル名、特訓回数、特訓上昇値、付属
[1] 2021-07-02 14:45:09 入手方法、スキル(Lv4)、スキル推測値チェック(Lv4)


ID 846
Character 七瀬陸 (Riku Nanase)
Card OFF/旅OFF/旅 Series
Rarity SSR
Attribute Melody
Obtaining Limited Audition
Card Feature Puchinana
Shout 1,712 / 4,110
Beat 1,566 / 3,750
Melody 2,498 / 6,600(Before Training 4,800)
Special Training 9 / +1,800
Appeal Skill 新しい土地と出会うOFF/旅
Skill Name 【Lv1】For every 25 PERFECTs, there is a 34% chance ofincreasing the score by 650
【Lv2】For every 24 PERFECTs, there is a 36% chance ofincreasing the score by 1105
【Lv3】For every 23 PERFECTs, there is a 38% chance ofincreasing the score by 1878(estimated value)
【Lv4】For every 22 PERFECTs, there is a 40% chance ofincreasing the score by 3193(estimated value)
Publish Date 2018/6/14


ID 846
Character 七瀬陸 (Riku Nanase)
Card OFF/旅OFF/旅 Series
Rarity SSR
Attribute Melody
Obtaining Limited Audition
Card Feature Puchinana
Shout 1,712 / 4,110
Beat 1,566 / 3,750
Melody 2,498 / 6,600(Before Training 4,800)
Special Training 9 / +1,800
Appeal Skill 新しい土地と出会うOFF/旅
Skill Name 【Lv1】For every 25 PERFECTs, there is a 34% chance ofincreasing the score by 650
【Lv2】For every 24 PERFECTs, there is a 36% chance ofincreasing the score by 1105
【Lv3】For every 23 PERFECTs, there is a 38% chance ofincreasing the score by 1878(estimated value)
【Lv4】For every 22 PERFECTs, there is a 40% chance ofincreasing the score by 3193(estimated value)
Publish Date 2018/6/14
最終更新:2023-02-19 14:43:30
[3] 2023-02-19 14:43:30 実装月、実装日
[2] 2022-02-18 13:49:56 シャウト最小値、ビート最小値、メロディ最小値、スキル名、特訓回数、特訓上昇値、付属
[1] 2021-05-25 14:47:32 入手方法、スキル推測値チェック(Lv3)、スキル推測値チェック(Lv4)
